01.2005 ACCOMPLI: Audrey K Chris L Hon Mun L Mike S Rich T Chris T Jack W
ARCHIVES: 03/04/05/06-08/09/10/11/12.2003 • 01/02/03/04/05/06/07/08/12.2004
I will be more conscious. I will accept all offers. I will do the next, most obvious thing.
Was the fast food especially poisonous this past September?

In August, life was perfect - a dream, even... except for living too far from work and from my friends. Well, I moved closer to each in September, but everything else has been pretty fucked up since then. I miss August... I just don't want to think anymore (outside of work); it has worn me down. I need peace of mind. That care-free, pre-September peace of mind... where have you gone?

I have no idea what I'm looking forward to next. sad face

QUOTABLE: That's the first rule: Whoever hears me talk about Jack Club is in Jack Club. - Me
"Somewhere Only We Know"
Hopes And Fears
Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?... I need something to rely on.
Just one of those moments in time
Where everything coincides,
And it comes together at once,
And then it all collides.

Lyrics Born - "Cold Call"

What the hell is it all about?
What is the meaning of all this?
What is the point?

Every once in a while I develop an immense feeling of gratitude for what I have... and, without fail, that feeling is quickly displaced by an intense feeling that I don't deserve a lick of it. disappointed face Are these merely moments in which I am humbled, or are they something more sinister?

What are we supposed to be working toward? A state-of-the-art home theater system? The deed to a house of our own? What? How are we supposed to be spending our measly blip of time on this rock?!?

I'm beginning to believe that the meaning of life is to make one's life meaningful - to others.

Maybe it's because we lose everything we've ever done for ourselves once we die, or maybe it's because I'm inclined - to a fault - to give so much of myself that there's nothing left, or maybe it's because most people look for meaningful relationships, but my current theory is that the only way in which anything we do is truly meaningful is in how it affects the lives of others. At the very least, then, we should live responsibly, and, even better, perhaps we can give someone a reason to smile where there wasn't one before.

QUOTABLE: Cheers. - Chris T
When did it all stop being this simple?
Lesson Of The Night, Week, & Month!: I can't lie to save my life! sad face
QUOTABLE: Tonight, we looked Death in the face and said, "Hi, I'm Ben, and I work at..." - Huy, making fun of my inability to lie, even to crazy people who eventually stalk us. disappointed face
The Zombies
"The Way I Feel Inside"
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou Soundtrack
Jane: What happened to Jaqueline? Capt. Zissou: She didn't really love me.
After having thrown my chapstick across the street the other day and losing its cap as a result, I've realized that I need chapstick in order to survive. disappointed face

On a more positive note, I got to wear my new t-shirt today! Its severe coolness inspired many a compliment. Then, one thing led to another, and, before I knew it, I'm now in competition with a coworker to be the first to get a t-shirt design on Threadless.com. Cool! laughing face

Gah! None of my friends are on MySpace! frowning face

QUOTABLE: Audrey K: I was taking a book from my bookshelf and it knocked the glass over.
Brian H: Ha ha! Don't lie! You know you don't touch books! Ha ha!
"Bend And Break"
Hopes And Fears
If only I don't bend & break...I'll meet you in the morning when you wake.