Zoo Keeper Me Steven Honmun Chris T Chris L Mike S Benson

I will be more conscious. I will accept all offers. I will do the next, most obvious thing.

03.2003 04.2003 05.2003


My senior portraits arrived today.  This is the best one, which is scary. :p

Paul: We have all summer to just do nothing.
Me: Yeah, I can't wait! Ironic... "I can't wait to do nothing!"

Tunage: "Saltwater (Tomski Vs. Disco Citizens Remix)" by Chicane, featuring Moya Brennan [Formerly Maire Brennan] (remixer unknown)

I saw "
The Matrix Reloaded" tonight, and it was SO cool! It's a tough call, but I think I liked it better than "X2," and I like it even more each time I think about it! I'm rather visually-oriented, so I quite enjoyed it as a work of visual art, and the twists in the story were just as amazing. And the ending... perfect!

Chris: I feel he's [Agent Smith in "The Matrix Reloaded"] just a crutch.
Ben: No, he's a wheelchair on which is being wheeled a whole new Matrix!

Tunage: "Untitled 1" by Sigur Rós

Postering for the
2003 Stanford Student Film Festival was a lot of fun tonight! I never anticipated that it would be, so it must have been that we did it in teams, sweeping through dorms, leaving our promotional mark. It finally hit me how excited I was to see a project as big as the film festival come together. I'd love to do this forever.

Quotable: Don't mind the Mr. Goodbar. - Mark

Tunage: "Move Your Feet" by Junior Senior

My tongue hurts! A word to the wise: Don't sandwich the consumption of a
Dr. Pepper: Red Fusion between the chewing of cinnamon gum. By doing so, you run the distinct risk of overstimulating your tastebuds. Ouch!

On an equally serious, but more important, note, today is the first day of the rest of Spring Quarter. For better or for worse (hopefully for better), as much of my time as is possible will be scheduled... because I just don't have time for unscheduled time!

Me: Right...
Chris posing as Steven on AIM: No, really, I can prove it... "Hi, I'm Steven! I like baseball and fruit!"... is what I would say if I needed to prove my identity.
Me: LOL!

Tunage: "Move Your Feet" by Junior Senior


Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

Today was such a nice day! Though, when one has a lot of homework, a nice day becomes torture.

For about the first two weeks, lifting at the gym left me sore, but that feeling has since given way to a very good one. Whereas I didn't originally understand what people were talking about when I heard that exercise makes you feel better physically, I now look forward to renewing that slight, constant ache that lifting produces. I'm now a believer.

Me: I wonder if other kids try to make their moms laugh as much as we do and if other moms laugh as much for their kids as you do.
Mom: I hope so.
Me: Me too.

Tunage: "Hey Darling" by Ace Of Base

If everyone plays it (too) cool, things will never heat up. With that in mind, here's some advice that I hope writing out will help me master: Don't be afraid to ask. When you are interested in someone and want to know if they would reciprocate your interest, leave magical spontaneity to the movies. Instead of testing the possibility with a rash move, the safest way is simply to ask... "Would you like to go out on a date with me some time?" "May I kiss you?" Such questions may sound a bit corny if you imagine yourself doing the asking, but consider them from the other end - as the asked - to realize that they make SO much sense: If you wouldn't want to kiss someone, wouldn't you rather they ask for permission than plant one on you uninvited? And if you would kiss someone, admit it: you really wouldn't think any less of them if they were to ask you for your permission. In reality, asking is a sign of respect, not insecurity. If only we could all realize that.

Quotable: Be nice to your face... No, don't poke holes in it. - A mother to her child.

Tunage: "Beautiful Day" by U2

Today I accepted the Conference Assistant position with
Stanford Conference Services this summer. It is what I did last summer, and it's fun, so I'm excited, especially since it's gonna keep me on campus! ::high-4:: The remaining 158 hours/week will be devoted to finding a permanent job starting in September. I gotta sleep, but even after that, I'll surely not need to devote ALL remaining 102 hours/week to finding a job, so I'll have some time for fun. Oh, I also hope to spend 15-20 hours/week working as a Meyer Library computer consultant, which is such a low-activity job that it'll be like getting paid to look for that permanent job! ::another high-4::

Quotable: There's a bathtub in there. - Frank verbally observing the contents of the "tub room."

Tunage: "If You Don't Love Me" by Michael Jackson

Why do I blog? My reason and content are guided by four principles. I write: for others, to others, for myself, and to myself. For better or for worse, everything I write is tailored for others in that I try to make every entry amusing, interesting, and/or informative... or, in a single word, entertaining. Everyone who knows me knows I like to entertain; my blog is another outlet for that energy. Also, I think I treat my blog as an exercise in finding beauty in life. I'm life's cheerleader, and each blog entry is a new cheer. If everything seems like a beautiful joke (
Chris:05.07.2003), Chris, blog about the punch lines.

Chris and I haven't had a serious conversation in a while. What does that mean? This isn't the reason, but, since we're on the topic, sometimes our serious conversations are difficult to start, as our levels of seriousness aren't always in sync. When they are, though, we come up with some great stuff.

Chris: I said, "shove it."
Me: No you didn't!
Chris: Well, I wish I had!
Me: LOL!

Tunage: "Over The Rainbow/What A Wonderful World" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

I am SO ready for this quarter to be over so that summer may begin.

Chris asked me one of the most wonderful questions I've ever heard: To what are you looking forward? It is at least interesting - if not also reorienting - to answer. Try to do so according to increasingly extended periods of time, such as within the next day, then the next week, the next month, the next season, the next year, etc. The only rule is you must answer with things/events that are planned or otherwise very certain to occur. In other words, hopes and wishes are wonderful, but are not allowed in this exercise.

Quotable: Dag nab you, biyatch. - Huy

Tunage: "Sunday Morning" by Maroon 5

05.02.2003, I saw a Matrix-themed commercial for an energy drink. In it, the character repeated the stuff about a human body generating over 25,000 BTU's of harvestable body heat, as was originally explained in the first film. It reminded me of an idea I had in July of 2001 for the creation of a personal energy collection system (PECS) that collects some of the energy runoff that results from merely living our daily lives, body heat being one form of this energy runoff. The goal is to extend the use of the energy we originally get from the food that we eat. This would be accomplished via at least two different energy collection techniques/sources: 1) The utilization of the same physical energy multiple times, and 2) The collection of energies expelled as a result of autonomic processes. Anyway, I didn't think anymore about it until tonight, when I realized that there is a lot of energy being (purposefully) exerted by people who exercise. Couldn't rigging exercise machines to collect some of that energy turn gyms into power plants that supplement the electricity already in our power grid? That question then made me reconsider for what the energy collected by the PECS would be used.

Originally, I thought it would go directly to keeping fully charged the batteries of devices that people have on them at the time. Instead, if it means avoiding a cumbersome incarnation of the idea, I'm wondering if a better implementation and materialization would be a battery that is charged over the course of the day and plugged into a socket upon ones return home. How much power would the entire population of the USA yield if such a collection system were in place? Ignoring - so that we can proceed - the inevitable fact that not everyone would participate in the program, how would we pool the energy from every household? Tiny microwave dishes on each rooftop? If the power it takes to use a microwave dish is a major portion of the amount collected, it obviously wouldn't make much sense to use them. This point, and further consideration, made me imagine another variant of the system - one that I think would be easy to market: The PECS as a system that allows a family to supplement the electricity coming into their home with the power collected by each family member. It could be marketed according to how much it would save on electricity bills, which is very exciting, as, to get an idea/device/system this futuristic to catch on, you've gotta bring it to the masses, and saving money will always be important to the masses.

Chris: Dinner?
Me: No, Ben.
Chris: Huh?
Me: You called me dinner questioningly, as if you weren't sure.
Chris: How about dinner, Dinner?
Me: LOL!

Tunage: "Love Affair" by Olive

If you ever find yourself at odds with someone, especially a friend, ask yourself the following questions: Why is it important that I am right? Why is it important that they are wrong? Why is it important that they realize that I am right? Why is it important that they realize that they are wrong? Thank you, Tonyanna, for helping me to realize what is truly important. ::hug::

Quotable: They make you jump with professional hunks the first time! - Tonyanna on skydiving.

Tunage: "Say My Name (K-rim Remix)" by Destiny's Child (remixed by K-rim)

Suspecting that waking for brunch at noon on weekends destroys my day time-wise, I had brunch at 11AM today instead. It was only an hour early, and I got no more done than I usually do, but I still think it helped.

Benson: A list is nothing if never attended to.
Me: What if it's a list of things to avoid?

Tunage: "Theme From Lupin The 3rd, Version 3 (The Readymade Young Oh! Oh! Mix)" by Pizzicato Five

I watched "
Dangerix" today, which is the juxtaposition of "The Matrix" with Michael Jackson's "Dangerous" album. I don't think anyone believes that the 1999 film was choreographed to the King Of Pop's 1992 album, but playing them together produces some entertaining synchronicities. Watching "Dangerix" made me think two things: 1) Any completely random movie-music combination would prolly produce some coincidences, and 2) In spite of that (or perhaps because of it), movie-music syncs are quite fun. Again, I recommend everyone try it at least once.

Benson: Don't worry about it... Everyone loses their mind at some point. I just haven't lost mine yet.
Me: I just misplace mine sometimes - for fun!

Tunage: "My Heart Goes Boom" by French Affair


Chris is gonna be an RA next year! Congrats, Chris!

I saw "X2" tonight with my posse, and I highly recommend it. VERY cool. I'm not sure why, but I was pure energy during this movie outing; I was non-stop antics. Was it the movie? Perhaps, but I wasn't raving about how excited I was to be seeing it. In fact, I was always more excited to see The Matrix Reloaded, so I don't think that was it. The only other thing I think was different today was that I had been on a date in the afternoon. Hmmm... Could that have been the reason for my inexplicable liveliness? Mayhaps.

Quotable: Are you going to scale the fence? - Steven to our friends already mid-scale.

Tunage: "Hey Darling" by Ace Of Base

Meyer Library computer consultants were recently given permission to claim older lost & found items for ourselves. I made out like a bandit! (OK, that was obviously a shameless excuse to use that wonderful colloquialism. )

Quotable: He grabs his kicked crotch SO realistically... for a fake bear! - Me

Tunage: "Unspeakable" by Ace Of Base

04.2003 Top 09.2003