01.2004 ACCOMPLICES: Brother I Steven F Chris L Hon Mun L Mike S Jack W
ARCHIVES: 03/04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12.2003 | 02.2004
I will be more conscious. I will accept all offers. I will do the next, most obvious thing.
As I stepped out into the sun with my PMT (Pearl Milk Tea), I wished the girl who prepared my sweet drink a good day. I then began to think of wasted computer processing cycles, which are utilized by distributed computing projects to solve problems using the processing power of your home computer when you leave it sitting idle. (Here's one such noble project, a hilarious joke project, and a list of projects.) You'd think the two activities were unrelated, but I've always believed that, if everybody did things like wishing others a good day whenever they could - if everyone infused their lives with acts of kindness - the effect of all that positive energy would be amazing. Of course, on some days, you'll be too tired to do anything for yourself, let alone anyone else. But on every day that you are not, there will be dozens of opportunities to be kind or helpful... positive instead of neutral. Take them. It'll make this world a better place. I'm sure of it.
QUOTABLE: Kendrick K: This song starts with "biatch." What's not to like about it?
Max Lucid: Ha ha!
Black Eyed Peas
"Shut Up"
Cool chorus. Another song that has a James Bond feel (at the very end).
Many people declare new year's resolutions on (or slightly before) this, the first day of the new year. My position: Why wait for a new year when progress can begin immediately? With that in mind, new day's resolutions are more my style. As for those I put into effect this week, I've been getting the amount of sleep I need (except for last night, of course), eating more healthful snacks at work, and doing sit-ups morningly. I've also decided to neither make any large purchases nor think about boys (romantically) until I have a permanent job. Focus is important right now.
QUOTABLE: Brother I: What video of Captain Timberlake did you model yourself after for Halloween?
Me: Captain?
Brother I: Yeah.
Me: Sounds like you have a story around that.
Brother I: Nope, none at all. I'm just awesome.
Me: LOL!
Enrique Iglesias
"Live It Up Tonight"
The words unknown, my subconscious hummed this after last night! Amazing!