02.2004 ACCOMPLICES: Brother I Steven F Chris L Hon Mun L Mike S Jack W
ARCHIVES: 03/04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12.2003 - 01.2004
I will be more conscious. I will accept all offers. I will do the next, most obvious thing.
My passport arrived today! The application form had asked for my occupation, so I had been waiting with much excitement to receive a passport proclaiming that I am an entertainer. grinning face Alas, that bit must have just been for internal affairs, as it appears nowhere on my identifying document. frowning face Also, they ruined my photo by printing a bunch of wavy lines through it! Why they do that, when it really does make it more difficult to view my photo, I will never know. Best-case scenario: only fidgety people will handle my passport. Why? Because unsteady hands make the lines disappear. joking face So, if any steady folk give me any guff, I'll just tell them to shake it like a Polaroid picture.
QUOTABLE: So, do you know how to go to Costco? - Hon Mun L to me, 10 minutes after he supposedly started driving us to Costco.
????? [BPM upped to the video's rate by Maladroit.com]
"Jung-Hwa Ban Jum (Maladroit.com's Chin2 BPM)"
I always hoped to find the song from Chin2.mpeg. The search is over! grinning face
William Hung is "the 'She Bangs' guy," who was quickly dismissed from his American Idol audition for lacking talent (but not heart). I simply do not understand the frenzy surrounding him. Do we love him, or are we just making fun of him? Do we think we love him, but actually just like to laugh at him? Have we fallen in love with mocking him? Thinking about it too long makes my head hurt. All I know is that, ultimately, the decision to accept the possibly misguided attention is his to make. I just hope he knows what he's doing, because he doesn't deserve to be taken advantage of. His graciousness - the thing with which we could have truly fallen in love - should have taught us that.
QUOTABLE: Now is a bad time to eat Cheese-Its. - Jen M
Deep Forest
"Deep Folk Song"
Think accordions can't be cool? Deep Forest will teach you some respect.
Fuck, I gotta fix my sleep schedule!
Fuck, I can be beyond stupid sometimes!
Fuck, the summer of 2002 was so long ago!
Fuck, that's some big lightning for Palo Alto!
QUOTABLE: Well, I'm here for you until you tell me to go away. Then I'll be there for you. - Me
Michael Jackson
"2 Bad"
HIStory: Past, Present, and Future - Book 1
Caution: The phat beats on this track will interfere with most pacemakers.
In case I had fooled anyone, I've been mostly positive talk but little action this past week. chagrined face Today, however, I awoke at 8AM with purpose and, most importantly, with drive. My own blog entry from two days ago sorta served as a subconscious wake-up call to myself, but I also want to thank Chris L for reminding me that I'm conducting a life-changing job hunt, and I "need to get cracking." So... POW! *bricks rain to the ground, and the dust fades away* Look out, dream job! Here I come! With gusto! Hooah! grinning face
QUOTABLE: PRO: I am eating healthy steamed veggies. CON: This all tastes like crap. Seriously, what do I tell people when they ask me what I had for dinner? "Well, I added some lemon pepper to my asparagus to mix things up." I might as well just say, "I'm retarded." - Mike S
Rachael Yamagata
"Worn Me Down"
It's catchy!
My audio output jack is loose or something, and this is causing my audio to sometimes play through my laptop's speakers while I'm simultaneously listening to it with my headphones. Not only does this defeat the purpose of using headphones, but with my headphones on (and loud, as I often have them), I don't necessarily hear the laptop speakers to know that I'm also blasting my audio through the house. So uncool, especially with porn. joking face
QUOTABLE: Brother I: The AIM+ I currently use only works with a wicken old AIM, which is, therefore, the version of AIM that I use.
Me: Ha ha! OK.
Brother I: "Wicken," of course, means "wicked." I'm not talking about druids here.
Me: LOL!
[no shop]
Frou Frou
live performance on 89.9 KCRW (Note: The video sounds better than the pure audio file.)
not available for purchase
Reveals Imogen's powerful vocal abilities. Please tour again, Frou Frou!
Richard Bolles, author of the amazing "What Color Is Your Parachute?" asserts that a precise understanding of one's abilities and interests actually increases one's likelihood of finding a job. Naturally, finding work according to your abilities and interests also increases the likelihood of enjoying the job(s) that you find. With such wonderful promises, one might wish that this concept could be applied to other areas of our lives. Because one can't expect to receive that for which one merely wishes, let us begin:

To extend the above concept and generate a tool for self-improvement, we will generalize: Purpose is found through clarity. To live more purposefully, then, one must live more clearly... more precisely... more directly. Conversely, we possess a clearer understanding of what we need to do to remain on course only once we've established a sense of purpose. The clarity-of-purpose mentality is thus a self-perpetuating system of action, both generating and fueled by precision. It motivates us to cut to the chase, assert ourselves, and go for what we want. But the first step to accomplishing these goals involves clarity, for we cannot truly achieve them without knowing who we are and what we want.

QUOTABLE: Me: A shoulder replacement, huh? Most get hip replacements. What, did your grandmother play baseball?
Steven F: I don't think so...
Me: Ha ha ha!
Frou Frou
"The Dumbing Down Of Love"
I am a lover alone without love...
I asked what you were thinking.
You wouldn't tell me.
I didn't understand why.

You asked if I was feeling.
I couldn't tell you.
I was trying not to cry.

Typing this now renders me a hypocrite, but you wouldn't tell me, and I couldn't tell you, and I guess I just wanted to let you know that is how we are.

QUOTABLE: Me: To the bunk bed, Robin!
Chris L: Ha ha! I bet that's what they said every night.
SPECIAL: For Valentine's Day, because I believe that each of them deserves mention, I present four songs that contain the word "love" in their title:
Ace Of Base
"Show Me Love"
Da Capo
I'll give you double love in return.
Maroon 5
"She Will Be Loved"
Songs About Jane
I want to make you feel beautiful. True.
Moulin Rouge soundtrack
"Elephant Love Medley"
Moulin Rouge soundtrack
All you need is love...one night in the name of love...We could be heroes!
Paul Simon
You're The One
He holds the word "love" for 6 seconds 3 times each chorus... beautiful.
Angie visited campus again tonight, and the evening was unfortunately not as structured as I had originally anticipated with great excitement. Two people who had sounded sure to be present did not pull through, and it left me a little disappointed. Spontaneity is a wonderful quality, but only when balanced with reliability, responsibility, and respect. Aside from that theme, the night was pretty good. Lacking solid plans, we ended up simply hunging out, enjoying each other's company. Haven't done that in a while. I miss it.
QUOTABLE: [The word] magical says, "Yes I'm a dinner plate, but that doesn't mean I can't sing and dance." - Brother I
The Loose Cannons
no album yet - just the single
A slower, deeper, funkier groove is to be enjoyed in the original version.
I finally spent some time in San Francisco with Tonyanna, and I don't think I could even dream a better day! We visited an animal shelter, where a tiny dog with a hoarse voice hiccupped winking face at us, which only made us want to tackle her with love all the more. We visited Grace Cathedral, whose stained glass windows cast patterns as magical as Tonyanna's own pixie dust. winking face We ate yummy turkey & apple sausages that I wish went as far as our eyes couldn't see. winking face Tonyanna sent me into posh boutiques to learn the location of a chocolate shop with free samples. laughing face And, gosh, so many other things, but I'll stop there. Such a wonderful time! Trying to record it would be sacrilegious. winking face
QUOTABLE: I love buns! - Tonyanna B
The Loose Cannons [remixed by Boris Dlugosch]
"Superstars (Boris Dlugosch Remix)"
no album yet - just the single
'Cause we'll all be superstars this time tomorrow.
I'm finally beginning to see the reasoning behind the study - a room I never thought I'd use outside of a rousing game of Clue. But a study would help inspire me to... well... study! Catching on? I'll continue: I seem to have fallen into the habit of making a few spaces so multifunctional that they practically subvert my intent to do things I should do, but would rather not. To help you relate: I bet we've all tried to read (even an exciting book) in the comfort of a bed, only to find that the comfort has tricked us into curling up and going to sleep. Damn beds! OK, I think I'll leave you to bask in the irony-revealing sarcasm. Sleep tight. Oh, you're reading. My bad. joking face
QUOTABLE: But I'd love to be a horse with you! - Me
[no clip]
[no shop]
GMT featuring Imogen Heap of Frou Frou
"Greenwich Mean Time" soundtrack
A Frou Fix. Suppose there is no difference, and phone sex is eternal love.
It's amazing where our choices lead us. I enter the post office just off California Avenue, and I learn from the manager that they don't collect passport applications at that office. I thank him and bike to Hamilton Avenue, which involves passing my house - a slap in the face. I get there only to learn that the post office nearest Palo Alto's city hall is NOT the Palo Alto Main Branch. At this point the Stanford campus post office is the nearest app-accepting office. "Fate," I think to myself, "must have wanted me to visit campus all along." But I decide against it at the last minute. "I will probably have to pay for expedited service anyway, so I'll save that for tomorrow and finally get me some lunch." Was I supposed to visit campus this afternoon? I don't know. Deciding to go against my own fatalistic train of thought resulted in my spotting the driver's license of a Google acquaintance on the cash register at Black Pearl. He must have forgotten to collect it after he was done playing Halo on the X-Box there. Had I biked to three post offices today, Rob may never have found his ID. It really is amazing where our choices lead us.
QUOTABLE: Chris L: Did I mention I am a golden god?
Me: How so?
Chris L: Do not defy a god by asking insolent questions!
Me: Ha ha ha!
Deep Forest [remixed by Deep Forest]
"Sweet Lullaby (Ambient Mix)"
Deep Forest
A very soothing song - a quiet celebration of the day - a sweet lullaby.
Have you ever started a day with a plan and then stumble into a debilitating state of confusion when a part of it falls through? I did today. I had set out to apply for a passport, but realized when I was about halfway to campus that I had forgotten my birth certificate. I considered turning around, but decided to press onward and do whatever I could without it. I headed to the Bechtel International Center to see if anyone there could answer my passport questions. Nobody was at the front desk, but I did notice a sign for passport photos. I wanted to do the whole process at one time, though, and I was getting hungry, so I left. I grabbed my traditional campus lunch (a tuna croissantwich and the requisite Moon Beans Mint Mocha Freeze) and visited a friend from my Meyer consulting desk days. I then had begun to head home when I realized that I hadn't shaved this morning and worn a collared shirt for my health! So, I headed back to Bechtel to get my passport photos taken and learn that the post office is where I'd submit the application, but that they don't accept them after 3PM. That's OK, as I don't remember where in New York I was born anyway. confused & tired face
QUOTABLE: Chris L: Well, I listened to the sample. It's ass, in my humble opinion.
Me: Sound at all like Frou Frou?
Chris L: I don't know. My head was in a bucket.
Me: LOL!
Frou Frou
"Maddening Shroud"
The very beginning of the track randomly popped into my head tonight.
It's 02.03.04! *closes eyes tightly and wishes really hard*

There's a new friend-networking site on the block, and his name is Orkut. I spent most of this evening hanging out with Orkut, inviting practically everyone I ever knew to join in on the fun. This exercise reminded me that none of my pre-college friends seem to have any web presence whatsoever. sad face I'd use offline networking to catch up with them, but then what's the point of the Internet even existing?!? joking face

QUOTABLE: (to the tune of Justin Timberlake's "Rock Your Body")
Cathy B: Don't be so quick to dis that ad!
Me: Judge it right!
Jeff Beck featuring Imogen Heap of Frou Frou
"Dirty Mind"
You Had It Coming
I dislike most electric guitar, but Heap & breakbeats make it funky fresh!
Many people complain about "the state of the music industry," griping that The Music has taken a backseat to image and hype. I was always in full agreement, but I hadn't really attached any feelings to the situation... until today. Today, a few examples made me realize how sad the "music" industry has become in the aforementioned respect.

The Janet Jackson Super Bowl breast fiasco was the talk of the office today. Large, full-color images of the sweaty pair of now-infamous pop stars (Justin Timberlake being Miss Jackson's accomplice) were splashed across front pages worldwide. If Janet wanted publicity, she got it. But it's how she went about getting the attention that is sad. If you're a porn star, go ahead and flash a breast to start buzz about your latest project. But if you're a pop star, you should be flashing your pop. (I trust that the point of this rant will assist you in interpreting that correctly.)

The day's other example of the music industry's unfortunate obsession with image was an ad I had to evaluate at work. One of the three lines of text selling Britney Spears CDs read "Come see her music." Come SEE her music. Well, at least a few people are aware of how it works. It's just a shame that the mindless (or subservient) masses support this state of the image industry. Did I just say "image?" I meant "music." My bad.

QUOTABLE: This ad is crazy! There's no "dis for crazy!" - Chris C
I Am The World Trade Center (named before the bombing)
"Light Delay"
Out Of The Loop
Fave song on a very cool CD. Chill or groove to it. Both should be done.
"They are the only reason I don't kill myself," I told him.

Believing that some notes had fallen from my pocket earlier that day, I used my bike light to search a driveway for a folded page of uncertain importance at 1:30 in the morning. I instantly regretted making such a dramatic statement, as it was ambiguous enough to have been misinterpreted in a handful of potentially concerning ways. But I was too tired and angry to explain myself. It wasn't until this morning that I was ready to think about what I had said.

To clarify, there are MANY reasons I don't kill myself... the next Frou Frou album, for example. winking face But (more) seriously, I don't take notes to keep myself sane, and losing any would only leave me momentarily bummed, not suicidal. Still, wanting to identify in which interpretation of my comment resides some truth, I wondered, "What would inspire me to consider suicide?"

If I learned that I would never again be allowed to record my thoughts or ideas, suicide would likely cross my mind. Why? I'm not sure... I love ideas. Maybe because some are seeds for action. Maybe because some preserve the wit I enjoy in myself and others. Maybe because some are evidence of self-progress...

I feel that a compilation of the things I note would paint an accurate picture of me. Perhaps that makes me attribute a sense of identity to my notes. If I believe that they capture my essence, my spirit, and my evolution, then dropping a sheet of paper could easily equate to losing some of my definition. But what's so important about definition?

Good question. I'm not consciously in search of definition. I don't wake up each morning scheming how I will dig up the next nugget of self-understanding by day's end. But I do believe that that is a universal desire: an understanding of one's self... an identity. So, while I'm not constantly searching for me, I do enjoy each opportunity to explore myself. Case in point: this blog entry. smiling face

So, maybe it's merely a hobby - one about which I'm passionate. That would explain why I hate losing my notes, but wouldn't kill myself over it. But doesn't reducing it to a hobby cast doubt on my claim that I'd consider suicide if I couldn't record any of my thoughts or ideas? No. If a tree falls in a forest and nothing records its sound, did I exist at all?

QUOTABLE: Me: [Your proposed website is] everything a newspaper is BUT the news.
Brother I: Yeah, OK Ben, so we're paper. Good job.
Me: Ha ha ha!
"Bizarre Love Triangle"
Marvin the Album
Every time I think of you I get a shot right through into a bolt of blue.