05.2004 ACCOMPLI: Brother I Steven F Ann G Chris L Hon Mun L Mike S Jack W
ARCHIVES: 03/04/05/06/07/08/09/10/11/12.2003 - 01/02/03/04.2004
I will be more conscious. I will accept all offers. I will do the next, most obvious thing.
Thanks for insisting I join you guys for a 2nd dinner tonight, Chris L. I realize now that I would have regretted not going.

OK, everyone, please help me pick a new domain name:

New Domain Poll
I don't know if
suits me anymore.

What should my
domain name be
for the next year?

You may vote for
up to 3 names.

QUOTABLE: OK, you can have a non-haunted apartment. - Me to Steven F
"Hell Bent"
New Sacred Cow
Another DJ Stagle pick; grows on me with each listen. Bravo, DJ Stagle!
My mind wants to play, but my eyes (and today's tunage) tell me I need some sleep. I want to do something crazy! ...But I'm too sleep-deprived to have the energy. disappointed face Dinner with my Toyon Posse (Jack W, Justin E, and honorary member Steven F) is usually entertaining, which is probably why it came to mind. Will our powers ever combine again?
QUOTABLE: Me: My gosh, what a timely example [of some people not having Flash]: "Oh no, I can't! Flash again. Damnnn." She wanted to take an IQ test with me a mere minute ago!
Kendrick K: She's a retard for not having Flash. No need to IQ that shit.
"I Need Some Sleep"
Shrek 2 Soundtrack
Cool music box/lullaby sound, with a dash of Sigur Rós-pitched vocals.
I've only had my job for two weeks, and I already attended an Internet marketing convention in San Francisco today. It showcased many of the players (partners and competitors) in the industry. It was exciting to see so much activity in this space, as it speaks to its potential. I'm totally pumped! I can't wait to get back and play the search space for all it's worth! Hopefully, by the next convention, I'll be more comfortable in my role - enough to relax a bit and play the hors d'oeuvre trays and open bars for all they're worth. joking face
QUOTABLE: The whole point of it being a "cookie" is so that you have pleasant thoughts while you're programming. - Chris L on Internet cookies.
Dashboard Confessional
"As Lovers Go" (Ron Fair Remix) [remixed by Ron Fair]
Shrek 2 Soundtrack
"You've got me... I'll be true. I'll be useful. I'll be cavalier..."
I thought that the respectable reason behind Sean's wish to separate was fuel enough for my rational mind to keep my emotions in check. I was surprised, then, to find myself unequivocally depressed at work today. After thinking for a moment at my desk, I realized that I was probably depressed because I no longer had Sean to look forward to calling when I got out at the end of the day. The funny thing, though, is that I'm not normally a big phone person. But, Sean's cell phone being his primary method of communication, I was inspired to begin using mine more often to coordinate evenings together and touch base on those we spent apart. I never thought that it would affect me to such a degree, but I guess I had come to look forward to the calls so much that I felt some withdrawal symptoms upon realizing that I wouldn't be phoning him tonight. disappointed face
QUOTABLE: Blast! I've been cursing the delayed arrival of deodorant I never ordered! - Me
[no shop]
Frou Frou
"Deal With It"
a preview clip - not yet available for purchase
New Frou Frou! *faints* grinning face Interesting title, considering current events.
While in line to get into Exotic Erotic last night, I found myself behind DJ Stagle (so dubbed after he encouraged my exploration of the amazing music of The Postal Service). I had randomly bumped into him at the concert in the afternoon, where, possessing a similar penchant for sharing music I like, I mentioned the Ratatat album that has become my most recent musical addiction. It just so happened that, between the concert and Exotic Erotic, I had come into possession of the Ratatat disc and had forgotten to remove it from my pocket before heading out to the party. Fate? Almost. face sticking out tongue I didn't want him to worry about carrying the CD around at the party, so, when his pocket wasn't big enough to hold it, I promised to lend it to him some other time.

I know, that didn't happen today, but yesterday's entry was already long enough, and this bit felt a little out of place, like a song better saved for release as a b-side on a single.

QUOTABLE: Those thirty virgins will just have to wait. - Elizabeth M
Melancholy days call for pensive tracks that build to optimistic finales.
Today was a work of art. Note that I didn't say it was beautiful; I said it was a work of art...

In the afternoon, I ventured to campus to see a free Eve 6 concert, which is good because... they were not-good. It was... amusing to hear songs I liked from their first album in 1998... until they butchered them with different lyrics, poorly placed instrumental breaks, and awkward crowd banter. The experience was upgraded from barely tolerable to enjoyable, though, by the opportunity to see many of my friends outside of the typical scenarios of "hanging in room," "seeing a movie," or "eating out." Unfortunately, after the not-good concert that I was able to appreciate for reasons having nothing to do with the band, things got not-gooder.

As I walked him home, Sean explained that he had decided it best that we dissolve our relationship. Upon considering all the changes about to occur in his life, he had come to believe that he would not be able to give us the time we deserved. This was a disappointing moment, to say the least. Not only had I not seen it coming, but I had actually recently thought, "It's refreshing to be in a relationship in which not seeing each other every day is not a big deal. I appreciate this degree of maturity." I had obviously thought too soon. Naturally, then, I was shocked and sad, but Sean's reason was a noble one, so, in my relatively speechless state (I would need more time to process everything), I thanked him and we parted. Having earlier told Chris L that I was going to spend the evening with Sean, this new development since left me free for the night, so I headed to Kimball.

With a desire to not go home, and a bit of a "live for the moment" attitude, I agreed to join Chris L and Hon Mun L in experiencing Exotic Erotic, a flesh-themed party involving a very low number cap on the amount of clothing one can wear. It was crazy (no, really - the cops shut down this annual party about an hour after we took our places in the half-hour line to get in), and we didn't stay long, but I enjoyed it because it was one of those things you just have to experience to know if it's worth the hype. In this case, I think the key to enjoying the party rested in enjoying the hype itself. Mindless, influenceable, bandwagon-hopping drone? Perhaps - for this one event. Of course, adventuring with friends probably enhanced this party too, but is it really so wrong to enjoy the phenomenon of hype? On occasion? Consciously?

QUOTABLE: Time out. Time out... You feel a distance from Jude Law? - Chris L
"Take A Chance On Me"
ABBA Generation
If you change your mind, I'll be first in line...

My second day at work was glorious! I felt a full head above where I was on that stress-filled day a mere 24 hours prior. To top it off, I found a postcard from Tonyanna waiting in the mailbox when I got home!

Tonyanna had been on holiday in London for a spell and caught a case of the nostalgia. She reminded me of the unique challenge we had faced keeping in touch when she was studying in Oxford the quarter after we had become great friends. (You, me, and the man behind the tree. Ha-HA! smiling face). It really was a feat, and I too am glad we kept in touch over such a great distance.

In the spirit of seeking happy nights to happy days (Chris L's Shakespeare reference, not mine), I stayed on campus a tad later than I should have to hang with my Kimball posse. It is very difficult to justify passing up an opportunity to do that when such opportunities will soon be gone. disappointed face

QUOTABLE: Can somebody carry me? I need to pee. - Chris L
Paul Young
"Don't Dream It's Over"
From Time To Time: The Singles Collection
It (subconsciously?) popped into my head after I left campus tonight.
Now is the time to do those now or never things. For some of you (you know who you are), you have little more than a month. Good luck.
QUOTABLE: Brother I: Actually, I was just packing up a case of Mountain Dew Code Red for ya.
Me: I said Coke, dammit!
Brother I: Well, yes, now I know.
Me: *body slams case of Code Red* Oh yeah! Snap into a Slim Jim!
Brother I: Oh god. Snap into a thankfully forgotten marketing campaign.
Eiffel 65
"Now Is Forever"
Now is forever. Don't forget it. You won't be able to once it's too late.
In his blog entry of Monday, April 26th, Chris L muses that he should have joined a fraternity while he was in college. Today, I realized that I should have tried to start an Internet venture while I was a student. That's not to say that I had a specific idea as to what it should have been. It's just that such a project would have involved a camaraderie and collective effort for which I yearn now more than ever, but which became considerably less available upon my graduation and even less with each passing moment. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a partner... a Mulder to my Scully. (Yes, you can be the Mulder, but only because I'm sexier.)
QUOTABLE: Me: Hey, look at the rainbow!
Chris L: There is no rainbow.
Me: ...We may have just discovered the difference between you and I.
The Lion King musical cast
"They Live In You"
The Lion King Original Broadway Cast Recording
I can't get this outta my head. The only good thing about the musical.